IMG 0187… though he is not far from each one of us. For in him we live and move about and exist … Acts 17:27-28 (NETFull)

I take my wife by the hand. “Will you dance with me?”

She tips her head to indicate, of course. With her hand on my shoulder, we draw close.

“I’ll meet you again in the left corner, next to band,” she whispers, drops my hand, and meanders off.

I scratch my head as she chats with this couple, then that one, and finally makes her way to the designated meeting place. She shoots a look that says, “I’m waiting.”

I walk over and embrace her once again.

“North side, center square,” she says and walks off.

Anyone watching would say we are the worst dancers they’ve ever seen. There’s no joy in meeting at prearranged locations and then moving as singles around the floor.

That’s how I often treat Jesus. Perhaps I meet with him in the morning and then ignore him all day except for one or two prayer glances.

My actions say, “I’ll see you in church, or at the place of my next crisis, if it comes before Sunday.”

I waltz by myself.

I’m not meant to move through life without Jesus. My waking, employment, and entertainment times can all be spent with the One who is closer than a friend.

“Thank you Lord, I praise you, love you, and I’m filled by your presence.” That’s the sweet dialogue I want in my head.

As my dance skills grow, I’ll also hear him whisper, “Fight those worldly thoughts, I love you, trust me, we’ll get through this together.”

I’m not alone in this brutal mystery of life. Jesus and I glide together, absorbed in the joy of real dancing.

Prayer: Jesus, may I sense your every move this day.