… How faint is the whisper we hear of him! (Job 26:14)

To my right, gentle freshets rang as they jumped across moss covered rocks. I stood on a bridge, and the creek slid beneath my feet to resume its jig on the left. There was no one to comment on the eccentricity of my standing stock still, wearing a look of pained concentration. Curiosity led me to experiment, focusing my hearing toward one side, and then the other, without moving my head. By sheer focus I could switch channels at will.

On the left, were the incessant plops of a boy rolling marbles down the crease of his book into a fishbowl. Much softer, on the right side, came the applause of a crowd small enough to pick out individual claps.

The two sides of the bridge might represent God’s kingdom and the world. By the exercise of my will, I choose which domain I hear. The loud crashes of the world tend to drown out the whispers of heaven.

The invisible kingdom surrounds me—it is more real, more permanent, and more my home than the visible. Yet, the Holy Spirit’s gossamer words are meant for spiritual ears, and mine are scarcely functional. The subtlety of the encounter is redeemed by the intensity of its tranquility. I am left with an unshakable desire for more of God’s kingdom.

It’s a comfort to know that no matter where I am or what distractions clamor, I can be still and hear ultimate love carried on unseen breezes.

Prayer: Beautiful Holy Spirit, touch me with your sweet presence.